Diversity & inclusion

Hand huddle with different skin tones.

Toll Collect is committed to diversity and equality of opportunity

The people who work at Toll Collect bring their individual backgrounds, identities, experiences and perspectives to the team. We are convinced that diverse teams are more creative, more innovative and contribute to the future viability of the company. Therefore, diversity – in addition to reliability and sustainability – is one of the central values that we have anchored in our company mission statement.


Diversity means the variety present in our workforce, or the commonalities and differences between all Toll Collect employees.


Inclusion is the positive way to handle a diverse workforce.

This requires a working environment that is free from prejudice and is respectful and inclusive, in which equality of opportunity really exists for everyone and the diversity of the workforce is a factor in our success. All employees can be themselves, participate, belong and further develop, regardless of their age, any disabilities, ethnic origin and nationality, gender and gender identity, religion and world view, sexual identity and social background.

The term “inclusion” is not to be confused with the German term “Inklusion”, which is mostly used in connection with the topic of disability.

Diversity & inclusion management at Toll Collect

Dr Gerhard Schulz, Chairman of the Executive Board

Our guiding principle

"Diversity is a part of our guiding principle. It brings different perspectives and more creativity to the company. This helps us to innovate and be ready for the future" - Dr. Gerhard Schulz, Chairman of the Executive Board

Stefanie Elgeti, Strategy and CEO Office

Digital accessibility

"Digital accessibility is an ongoing project that promotes sustainability, diversity and reliability. It adds value for everyone by improving usability and comprehensibility.“ – Stefanie Elgeti, Strategy and CEO Office

Peyman Rezvani, Internal Auditing and Compliance

Diversity council

"The diversity council is a body that meets regularly with members from across the whole company. The members act as ambassadors and points of contact for D&I topics in their divisions." - Peyman Rezvani, Internal Audit and Compliance

Yannik Vasarri, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Diversity report

"Actions, figures and targets – the diversity report is published annually and shows where we are as a company. It summarises what we have done to promote diversity and respect." - Yannik Vasarri, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Frederike Fehsenfeld, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Ratio targets

"We are making sure that opportunities in the company are more equal by setting long-term targets for gender balance in our management teams." - Frederike Fehsenfeld, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Iris Hoppe, Works Council and Representative for Disabled Employees

Representative of persons with disabilities

"The representative of persons with disabilities promotes inclusion of persons with disabilities in the company by means of an annual action plan and supports and advises them." - Iris Hoppe, Works council and representatives for the severely disabled

Frank Schermann, Head of Corporate Office


"As part of our transformation process, we are implementing a training plan that will empower our staff to work together in a way that is diverse and inclusive." - Frank Schermann, Head of Corporate Office

Julia Heikkilä, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Diversity day

"Toll Collect takes part in German Diversity Day every year as a part of the European Diversity Month. In doing so, we want to bring diversity to the forefront in the workplace, both internally and externally, raise awareness of the different aspects of diversity and highlight the opportunities and advantages that diversity offers." - Julia Heikkilä, Diversity & Inclusion Management

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Diversity Charter

In May 2020, the Executive Board and the chair of the works council signed the Diversity Charter . In doing so, Toll Collect committed itself to

  1. promote a respectful and appreciative company culture,
  2. review human resources processes and ensure sensitivity to diversity,
  3. appreciate the diversity of the company and the associated potential,
  4. internally and externally communicate the Diversity Charter,
  5. provide information on activities and progress on an annual basis and
  6. inform employees about the implementation of the Diversity Charter.

Logo of the diversity charter with the word 'signed' next to it

Diversity Report 2022 - Figures


40 %
60 %
0 %

  • Supervisory Board

    female 50 % male 50 %
  • Executive Board (consists of two people)

    male 100 %
  • Department head

    female 27 % male 73 %
  • Field office/group heads

    female 13 % male 87 %
  • female
  • male

People with significant disabilities

6.3 %

  • 4 % under 30 years
  • 18 % 30-39 years
  • 34 % 40-49 years
  • 36 % 50-59 years
  • 8 % 60-67 years

As of: 31 December 2022

Diversity Report 2022 - Activities

In 2020, Toll Collect implemented corporate diversity & inclusion management. : In 2022, the focus was on developing other activities and measures to better enshrine the topic of accessibility in particularly within the company and to raise all colleagues' awareness about diversity & inclusion.


Toll Collect has set itself the following goals:

  • The company stands for diversity, and therefore for an inclusive and respectful working environment that is free from prejudice.
  • There is equality of opportunity in our company. Workforce diversity is a success factor.
  • Diversity and inclusion are found in the processes, structures and products of all business segments and business areas.


Toll Collect promotes inclusion and diversity in its workforce through the following measures:

Providing information and awareness

  • The Intranet and company newsletter keep employees regularly informed about diversity and inclusion and the associated activities. The corporate wiki is always being expanded and offers information on mini seminars taking place and on D&I topics.
  • With the support of external speakers and specialists, mini seminars on D&I-relevant topics are offered to staff. In 2022, the programme included:
    • LGBTQIA*+ in the workplace
    • Sportswashing; Qatar and the World Cup
  • Through presentations on the D&I strategy and activities in departments and teams, the importance and necessity of diversity at Toll Collect is underlined.
  • The diversity report was published for German Diversity Day 2022.
  • The D&I team is represented on different boards to ensure diversity & inclusion are taken into account across various business departments.

All levels integrated

  • Employees from different divisions engage in regular exchanges with the D&I team in the Diversity Council. They develop ideas and projects together and provide fresh momentum for D&I activities. Furthermore, the council members act as ambassadors and sounding boards for D&I topics..
  • The buddy programme launched in 2021 was continued in 2022. The programme supports new colleagues by connecting new staff members with long-serving ones across the disciplines to increase the sense of belonging right from the start.
  • The D&I strategy is communicated through regular discussions with the works council, representatives of persons with disabilities and the inclusion officer. The feedback from the departments is taken into account when planning measures.
  • Toll Collect strives to achieve gender parity and is working on measures to consistently increase the percentage of women in management positions. The management board defines the gender ratio targets for the first and second levels of management.

Providing requirements, optimising processes

  • Human resources processes are gradually being reviewed and adjusted for diversity and inclusion awareness.
  • The balancing of work and private life is facilitated and improved by means of flexible working models, reliable working hours, remote work and cooperation with a kindergarten.
  • • The participation of people with disabilities is being increased as part of an ongoing project for digital accessibility. Both internal systems and external tools are considered. The relevant departments received UX training with a focus on digital accessibility. Additionally, the Toll Collect website was substantially revised to focus more on digital accessibility.
  • In our office building at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, additional accessible bathrooms and bathrooms for all genders were set up to meet prerequisites for better accessibility and gender equality.
  • The works council, representatives of persons with disabilities and the inclusion officer approved an inclusion agreement to ensure enhanced support of employees with disabilities and to promote equality.
  • A concrete action plan for 2022 was developed by the representatives of persons with disabilities.

Your contact partner

Diversity & Inclusion Management

Frederike Fehsenfeld

Frederike Fehsenfeld, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Diversity & Inclusion Management

Julia Heikkilä

Julia Heikkilä, Diversity & Inclusion Management

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