Toll exemption

Register, deregister or extend your toll-exempt vehicles with us.

To the online toll exemption

A street cleaning vehicle not subject to toll cleans up autumn leaves

When is a vehicle exempt from toll?

In accordance with the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG), certain vehicles and vehicle combinations are exempt from the toll. On the one hand, these are vehicles that do not fall under the definition criteria of a vehicle subject to toll and, on the other hand, vehicles for which the legislature has created special exemptions. Whether a vehicle is or is not subject to toll is directly determined by the law in all cases. On-demand determination by the Federal Logistics and Mobility Office or Toll Collect is not required.

Advantages of vehicle registration

Toll Collect offers you the opportunity to register toll-exempt vehicles. This is not obligatory – the offer is voluntary.

By registering, you avoid unnecessary stops, checks and investigations, therefore saving valuable time.

The registration of the vehicles or vehicle combinations implies no legal recognition of toll exemption by Toll Collect or Federal Logistics and Mobility Office.


Variant 1

Vehicles that do not fall under the legal definition of a vehicle subject to toll (according to § 1 Paragraph 1 Clause 2 of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG))

These are vehicles that are

a) are neither structurally intended for road haulage (e.g. self-propelled working machines)
b) nor used for commercial road haulage or own-account transport operations for charged or business-related transportation of goods (in accordance with Section 1 of the German Road Haulage Act (GüKG)).

Toll exemption only results when both requirements are fulfilled. Otherwise, registration as a toll-exempt vehicle is not possible.

Variant 2

Vehicles that identifiably fall under one of the toll exemptions given in § 1 Paragraph 2 of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG). You can find out how to prove these requirements in the below table “Other examples and requirements”.

Other requirements in all cases

  • The vehicle must continuously fulfil the exemption requirements during the selected registration period, not just intermittently.
  • Application for registration may be made only by the owner of the relevant motor vehicle.
  • It is not possible to register a trailer without a motor vehicle.

Examples of toll-exempt vehicles

  • Fire service and police vehicles
  • Vehicles used in the showperson and circus trade
  • Road maintenance and road operation vehicles
  • Self-propelled working machines that are only used for performing work and not for transporting goods in commercial road haulage or own-account transport operations

Toll requirement for agricultural and forestry vehicles

You can find up-to-date information on this on the website of the Federal Logistics and Mobility Office

  • Toll-exempt vehicles according to Section 1 Paragraph 1 Clause 2 of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG)

    Type of vehicle Proof Requirements
    Exhibition vehicle Vehicle registration certificate part I,
    photos of the permanently installed components, if necessary declaration of no additional use of standard transport trailers
    For all cases:
    The vehicle is neither structurally intended for goods transport nor used to this end (see explanation for variant 1)
    Mobile workshop Vehicle registration certificate part I, photos of the permanently installed components, if necessary declaration of no additional use of standard transport trailers, size ratio of loading area/workshop area, no material and machine transport except for permanently installed components and equipment (tool)
    Sales vehicle Vehicle registration certificate Part I;
    photos of the permanently installed components;
    declaration of no additional use of standard transport trailers; if necessary, declaration of self-marketing of own agricultural products from primary production (no further processed products, no commercial goods)
    Horse transporter with large living space Vehicle registration certificate Part I:
    photos of the interior fittings and all-around view (no advertisement on the vehicle);
    declaration of exclusive use for private/leisure purposes;
    presentation of size ratio of loading area/living area using layout sketches. The living compartment (excluding driver’s cab and excluding side extensions) must cover at least 50 percent of the useful area.
    The vehicle may not be operated in combination with a transport trailer.
    Radio and outside broadcast vehicle

    Medical examination vehicle
    Vehicle registration certificate part I
    (entry in registration required), photos of interior fittings
    Purely mobile home Vehicle registration certificate part I
    (entry in registration required), photos of interior fittings, only for hobby/personal use
    Self-propelled working machine (e.g. mobile crane) or motor vehicle with a working machine trailer Vehicle registration certificate part I (entry in registration required) For working machine trailers: Also attach their vehicle registration certificate part I – no transports toward or away (for example sweepings, oils, fats, gravel, etc.)
    Driving school vehicle Vehicle registration certificate part I with an entry referring to the dual controls or proof of installation
    Test vehicle Vehicle registration certificate part I, entry in registration as test vehicle with an entry as per Section 19 (6) German Road Traffic Registration Regulations (StVZO) or proof of exemption as per Section 70 (1) StVZO
    Gully cleaner vehicle Vehicle registration certificate part I, entry as self-propelled working machine or as special-purpose motor vehicle with tax exemption as per Section 3 No. 4 German Motor Vehicle Tax Act (KraftStG), vehicle registration certificate part I (no transports toward or away, e.g. of muddy waste, oils, etc.)
    Calibration vehicle Vehicle registration certificate part I, certificate of exemption as per German Road Traffic Registration Regulations (StVZO) if necessary
    Agricultural or forestry tractor (towing) Vehicle registration certificate part I, entry under letter J (vehicle category) as “87” or “89” and under number 4 (body type) as “1000”; old vehicle certificates: entry with code no. 8710
    Agricultural or forestry tractor (equipment carrying) Vehicle registration certificate part I, entry under letter J (vehicle category) as “87” or “89” and under number 4 (body type) as “2000”; old vehicle certificates: entry with code no. 8720
    Historic vehicle Vehicle registration certificate part I, registration with special registration “H” or veteran/vintage road licence, declaration of hobby/personal use

    Toll-exempt vehicles according to Section 1 Paragraph 2 of the German Federal Trunk Road Toll Act (BFStrMG)

    Type of vehicle Identifiability of the
    motor vehicle’s purpose
    Buses and coaches No No registration necessary. These vehicles are recognised automatically by the toll system
    Military vehicles Yes
    Police vehicles Yes
    Vehicle registration certificate part I, registration of relevant authority required, for example:
    Police authority, the federal government, fire service, German Federal Agency for Technical Relief or suitable private organisations, among others
    Civil defence and emergency rescue vehicles Yes
    Fire service vehicles Yes
    Federal government vehicles Yes
    Vehicles used by other emergency services Yes
    Vehicles used for road maintenance and operation Yes Vehicle registration certificate part I, licensed to a statutory local or regional authority and tax exemption as per Section 3 No. 3 or Section 3 No. 4 German Motor Vehicle Tax Act (KraftStG); if necessary, winter servicing contract
    Vehicles used in the showperson and circus trade (no tent rental) Yes Vehicle registration certificate part I, tax exemption as per Section 3 No. 8 German Motor Vehicle Tax Act (KraftStG) and a copy of itinerant trading licence
    Vehicles used to deliver humanitarian aid No
    Vehicle registration certificate part I, corporate tax exemption (proof of non-profit/charity status); proof of use in transporting emergency aid in serious humanitarian crises (e.g. cargo list) and tax exemption as per Section 3 No. 5a German Motor Vehicle Tax Act (KraftStG)
    If the keeper agrees, third party vehicles can also be registered.
    Agricultural or forestry vehicle
    designed to have a
    maximum speed
    of 40 km/h
    No Vehicle registration certificate part I entered under letter "T" in the vehicle registration document. Activity as a farmer or forester or as an agricultural or forestry contractor. Ensure that products and commodities are transported exclusively by agricultural and forestry businesses as usual.
    Zero-emission vehicles with a technically permissible maximum laden mass of up to 4.25 tonnes No Evidence: see next line.
    Additional evidence vehicle registration certificate part I, box F.1: Entry of maximum 4,250 kg
    Zero-emission vehicles with a Technically Permissible Maximum Laden Mass of over 4.25 tonnes (until 31 December 2025 at the latest). No 1) Vehicle registration certificate Part I with the entry of a zero-emission fuel type in field P.3 (e.g. electric or FC/hydrogen)
    2) Entry of 0 gCO2/tkm specific CO2
    -emissions in field 49.5 of the COC (Certificate of Conformity), or in field 2.3 or field 2.6.1 of the CIF (Customer Information File) or in field V.7 of the vehicle registration certificate (for vehicles registered abroad).

How to register your vehicles

Use the list of examples to check the requirements for registration. Have your proof ready.

With the form you can apply for:

  • the first registration of a vehicle,
  • an extension of the registration of a vehicle or
  • the deregistration of a vehicle.


Registration is valid for a maximum of two years. It can then be extended. Any registration that is not extended by the date of expiry automatically lapses.