Diversity Report 2021

Stylised wooden figurines in many different colours

Diversity Report 2021 - Figures


40 %
60 %

  • Supervisory Board

    female 36.4 % male 63.6 %
  • Executive Board (consists of two people)

    male 100 %
  • Department head

    female 27.3 % male 72.7 %
  • Field office/group heads

    female 16.1 % male 83.9 %
  • female
  • male

People with significant disabilities

5.9 %

  • 5 % under 30 years
  • 20 % 30-39 years
  • 33 % 40-49 years
  • 34 % 50-59 years
  • 8 % 60-67 years

As of: 31 December 2021

Diversity Report 2021 - Activities

After beginning to develop diversity & inclusion management in 2020, Toll Collect consolidated this area in 2021. The focus was on the creation of additional activities and measures in order to anchor the topic even more deeply within the company.


Toll Collect has set itself the following goals:

  • The company stands for diversity, and therefore for an inclusive and respectful working environment that is free from prejudice.
  • There is equality of opportunity in our company. Workforce diversity is a success factor.
  • Diversity and inclusion are found in the processes, structures and products of all business segments and business areas.


Toll Collect promotes inclusion and diversity in its workforce through the following measures:

Providing information and awareness

  • The Intranet and company newsletter keep employees regularly informed about diversity and inclusion and the associated activities.
  • With the support of external speakers and specialists, mini seminars on D&I-relevant topics are regularly offered to staff. In 2021, the programme included:
    • Unconscious bias
    • Racism in everyday life
    • The influence of social background on educational opportunities
    • Digital accessibility
  • Training sessions and workshops on topics such as gender-neutral communication and digital accessibility enable employees to become familiar with the different dimensions of diversity in a more tailored and practical way and to gain awareness of the importance of inclusion in the workplace.
  • Through presentations on the D&I strategy and activities in departments and teams, the importance and necessity of diversity in the company is underlined.
  • In regular formats, such as stakeholder groups and discussion groups, employees engage in exchanges on current publications dealing with the issue of diversity.
  • As part of German Diversity Day 2021, a photo campaign and various events were held in order to increase awareness of diversity topics and to gain multipliers for future D&I actions.
  • Diversity & inclusion management is participating in the working group for the Wertekompass (moral compass) 2.0 programme, which is organised across divisions and hierarchies. The Wertekompass describes the principles of cooperation for Toll Collect and supports the company in reaching its goals.

All levels integrated

  • Employees from different divisions and hierarchy levels engage in regular exchanges with the D&I team in the Diversity Council. They develop ideas and projects together and provide fresh momentum for D&I activities.
  • Toll Collect took part in the Diversity Challenge of the Diversity Charter (Charta der Vielfalt). The buddy programme was developed as part of this and incorporated into day-to-day operations. The programme supports new colleagues, networks employees across specialisms and has reinforced a feeling of belonging even during the pandemic.
  • The D&I strategy is communicated through regular discussions with the department heads. The feedback from the departments is taken into account when planning measures.

Providing requirements, optimising processes

  • The goal of D&I management is to anchor measures within the company structures through the following processes:
    • Defining target values for various diversity dimensions
    • Raising awareness and providing further training for staff
    • Actively integrating employees as multipliers and members of various diversity working groups
  • Human resources processes are gradually being reviewed and adjusted for diversity and inclusion awareness.
  • The balancing of work and private life is facilitated and improved by means of flexible working models, reliable working hours, remote work and cooperation with a kindergarten.
  • The participation of people with disabilities is being increased as part of an ongoing project for digital accessibility. Both internal systems and external tools are considered.
  • Beginning a gender pay gap analysis is an important building block for planning and implementing gender-specific measures in the company with the aim of achieving greater equality.
  • During the renovation of Toll Collect’s premises, accessibility requirements will be met to ensure unrestricted access.
  • The works council, representatives of persons with significant disabilities and the inclusion officer are preparing an inclusion agreement to ensure enhanced support of employees with disabilities and to promote equality. This will be adopted in 2022.

Your contact partners

Diversity & Inclusion Management

Frederike Fehsenfeld

Frederike Fehsenfeld, Diversity & Inclusion Management

Diversity & Inclusion Management

Julia Heikkilä

Julia Heikkilä, Diversity & Inclusion Management

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